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What not to do with your Adsense

Following some simple rules to keep your adsense account in good standing:

Don't click on your own Google ads: Never ever click on your own adsense ads to generate revenue. Adsnse have a zero tolarance policy on click frauds and you will be penalised by deactivating your adsense account.

Don't ask others to click on Google ads: Never ask others to click on google ads. This can cause to make your account disabled.

Don't employ pop-up prompts or automatic software installations: Your site should not prompt user to install any kind of software. Your site also shound not change browser home page directly or via pop-up prompts. Google always wants to improve users browsing experiance.

Don't place Google ads on sites that contain prohibited content: Google ads should not be placed alongside any type of prohibited content specified by google program policies, including adult or mature content, gambling-related content, or drug content.

Don't change the AdSense code: AdSense has got a wide range of formats, colors, and features in your AdSense account. Once you've generated your code, however, we ask that you do not alter any portion of the code or change the layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason. You can do so if you take proper permission from google.

How to make your Website / Blog popular

After making your site or blog for making money you must publicise your site / blog. If you do not get enough visitor you may not earn good amount of money. So the first you need to do is publicity of your site / blog. Following are some tips to make it.

  • Add your Site / Blog name in your Email Signature so that whereever you send your mail it goes with it and the receiver might just be interested in it.
  • You can send mails to all your friends & family about your new site / blog and ask them to let their friends know about it.
  • Register in different Social Networking sites and write a brief topic from your site and then giving a link back to the full post of your site.
  • Register in different forums of your interest and write brief topics from your site / blog and giving back full links to your site / blog.
  • You can use Google Adworks for your site / blog 's publicity. But you have to pay for it.

Earn Money Online

How To Make Money Online

Internet in an indispensable part of our lives. In modern day life we can not imagine life without internet. We have it at home or at workplace. After using internet for a considerable amount of time we start to think about how to get maximum benefit out of it and how to earn money using internet in our free time. There are thousand of sites explaining different ideas to earn money using internet. Some sites pay for viewing advertisements, some sites pay for writing reviews and many more. But these sites pay very less and u will never earn a penny. Then what is the reliable way to earn money online ? is the only reliable way to earn money online.

Almost all internet users have used at some point of time. Being a reputed multi billion dollar company you can trust Google with your eyes closed. Now a question must be coming to your mind how can we use Google to earn money. Google has a programme called Adsense for web site owners to publish advertising. If you have a website or blog you can place Google advertisement on your site and earn money. I personally have used Google  Adsense in my blog and have earned money. Now I will launch my own website shortly.

Website or Blog

If you want to make a website you have to pay for domain and hosting. If you start blogging that will be free. There are many free blogging sites available on the internet. You can start with It is owned by Google itself and therefore you can place your adsense ads very easily.

Step 1

You have to first decide about the content of your blog. You can write a topic or subject related to your interest, hobbies or experience. You can also provide educational information and advice on your website if you are expert at something. Go to and register yourself there. Think a unique name related to your selected topic and create a blog. Once your blog is created start posting on the selected topic.

Step 2

Join the Google Adsense programme at . Google usually takes several days for the AdSense team to review and approve your site. If Google accepts your application. You can start learning how to generate AdSense code for inserting to your website to generate Adsense revenue. If your site rejected by Google, don’t get upset easily. Google will let you know the reasons of the rejection. You can fix the problems and reapply again.

Step 3

You need to submit your site to the Search Engines so that people will know about your site and visit. Submit your site to all major search engines like Google, Yahoo. Microsoft etc.,,

Adsense : The Money Plant

You must be wondering why I called Adsense the Money Plant. Yes, AdSense is indeed like a money plant. But you have to do your hardwork to plant it and cultivate it. You need to take care of the plant so that it never dries and dies off.

I will not write how to increase you earnings. There are hundreds of such tutorials can be found all over internet. I would like to mention some useful tips for the new users.

Just think about your adsense account as a money plant. There is no plant in the world which will give you yield as soon as you plant it. you have to nurture it. what I mean to say is as soon as you started your blog and place adsense ads on your blog you will not get money. At first you have to make your blog popular. It is a time consuming process. You have to have the patience. Optimize your ads so that visitors think it as part of your site/blog and click on them.

I follow this logic for adsense.

Good Content = Traffic = Optimization = Clicks = Money!